Friday, February 4, 2011

Windy in Ireland?!

 Yes Greystones, Ireland is extremely blustery on this Friday afternoon!  I have heard things like cold and wet to describe the weather here, but never windy.(Like 50 mph wind)

Here are some pictures of my room; which I share with Audrey and Alli.

My bed ;)

Since when do people have a sink in a bedroom? (We do!)

This is the whole package folks. The space you see, for three!

Had to buy rain boots.

Of coarse I found art work of a mouse!

What I spend the most Euros on. Coffee, specifically mochas.
The coffee photo above is from "class" yesterday as we were given 5 Euro and told to take the DART (Dublin Area Rapid Transit) to a neighboring area, find a coffee shop, order, and observe!  So grand.  They love the word grand.  Everything is "grand" :)

And I got the PA position here for the semester!  PA is very similar to RA, but in Taylor language.  There are 16 girls on the trip and 2 girl PA's, myself and Alyssa!  So excited to work with Alyssa and see were God leads us!

Thanks for all who are in prayer.  Very appreciated.

*If you are interested my roommate keeps a great blog.

So check it out if you are interested.  But don't compare to mine please. lol. She is so experienced and good at blogging!


1 comment:

  1. love the photos of your room (most of the women's dorms at Moody have sinks, too. maybe it's an old school thing). love the rain boots,too.

    CONGRATS on getting PA! that's so awesome. I'm sure you'll have a blast and be a blessing, too. so proud of you, sweet friend.

