Thursday, January 27, 2011


This morn I revisited a passage I read on my birthday from my One Year Bible.  
Psalm 18:16-36.  I found much comfort and strength in the details.

"You broaden the path beneath me, so that my ankles do not turn." Psalm 18: 36 NIV

"You gave a wide place for my steps under me, and my feet did not slip." ESV

How creative is that to remind us in a simple, small analogy how much he cares for us!  I love it!  I think this is speaking to me in a very real way because I will physically be traveling a lot in the next few days and I get such a realistic picture of God not wanting or needing us to go down a path that is easy to slip or twist your ankle :) but that it is wide enough and he is carrying us through!

I also have been:
-eating lots of Mexican food because I have a feeling that won't be easily available
-loving my dogs and feline

My checked luggage weighs exactly 50 pounds according to the sketchy scale; me weighing myself then weighing myself while holding the bag... quite the picture.  My mom last night goes "Make sure to hold it really close to your body.  Like it's part of you."  hahaha let's hope it goes through because I don't know what I would take out.

Well I love you all and today I begin my journey.

If you think of it I would love prayers for smooth travel, good health, and lovely airplane conversations ;)

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